Ways to Participate
Make Haiti Visible!
Spread the slogan Stop Massacres in Haiti with a banner drop or placard, take and post your photo and send it to us!
Promote the week of Solidarity with Haiti on social media.
Spread the messages: Stop Massacres in Haiti! Stop US Funding Police Terror in Haiti! Stand With Haiti!
Take Action!
Join in Haiti action alerts.
Demand an end to US funding for the repressive Haitian National Police and military;
End US/UN support for the criminal Jovenel Moise regime; no fake illegitimate elections;
Restore TPS to Haitians and all refugees fleeing political and economic oppression.
Donate to the Haiti Emergency Relief Fund [HERF]: Since its 2004 inception HERF has given concrete aid to Haiti’s democratic movement.
Learn about the Haitian Struggle
A People That Does Not Give Up, by Jean Bertrand Aristide
We Will Not Forget the Achievements of Lavalas
Plan Lanmo — the Death Plan: The Clintons, foreign aid, and NGOs in Haiti
How the US Crippled Haiti’s Domestic Rice Industry
Resisting the Lynching of Haitian Liberty
Trump’s Racism Towards Haiti Is Not An Aberration
The Final Chapter Has Still Not Been Written
The Lasalin Massacre and the Human Rights Crisis in Haiti
Maxine Waters Oct. 6, 2020 Letter urging US to oppose illegitimate elections in Haiti until politically motivated attacks against government critics have ceased
UNIFA webinar: A virtual event with Haiti’s former First Lady Mildred Aristide, Danny Glover, Congresswoman Maxine Waters and a panel of distinguished guests. This deeply engaging program — focused on Haiti’s health care crisis — was a seminar on Haitian resilience, powerful history, struggle for democracy, and the remarkable work of the University of the Aristide Foundation to offer access to education and health care to the Haitian people without exclusion.
Special Report: Massacres in Haiti — Pacifica’s Margaret Prescod reports from on the ground
Black Lives Matter From Haiti to the Bay — Kiyoshi Taylor’s video about the struggles of Black people in the US and in Haiti for true liberation from police terror and oppression and the need for global solidarity between these struggles in the spirit of the Haitian revolution.
Stay in Touch
Haiti Action Committee is a Bay-Area based network of activists who have supported the Haitian struggle for democracy since 1991. Follow Haiti Action Committee on Facebook, twitter @HaitiAction1 and our website.
Contact us at action.haiti@gmail.com to receive news updates and action alerts or sign up for our mailing list here.