Specially Organised Retreat for TRANSCEND and Galtung-Institut Members in Nilgiris Hills, South India

If you are going to the IPRA Conference in India in November 2018, here is an opportunity to include a stay at a Bed&Breakfast Retreat in the green and peaceful Nilgiris Hills of South India. Vithal Rajan, a TRANSCEND and Galtung-Institut member and an old friend of Johan Galtung, will help organise your stay on concessional terms, and guide your visits to nearby historic and cultural places, and wildlife reserves in Tamilnadu, Kerala, Pondicherry and Karnataka states of India.

The Clive & Curzon Bed&Breakfast Retreat at Nilgiris Hills, Tamil Nadu, India

The Bed&Breakfast Retreat, humorously named The Clive & Curzon, is furnished up to high European standards and is situated within peaceful green tea-gardens. It offers excellent Indian cuisine at moderate rates. There are excellent possibilities for trekking in the Nilgiris, and viewing wild elephants, bison, deer, bears and tigers. Century-old clubs in the vicinity offer golf, tennis, other sports, and convivial friends in the evenings. A world-class well-known Ayurveda Treatment and Massage centre is within easy reach. You can help, if you wish, in organic farming fields.

Vithal Rajan and Antonio C.S. Rosa – The Clive & Curzon Bed&Breakfast Retreat at Nilgiris Hills, Tamil Nadu, India

Vithal Rajan is very much concerned about the rise of racism, islamophobia, religious and ethnic prejudice all over the globe. Is peaceful communitarian multicultural living possible without personal commitment to reach out? To reach out do we also need to seek inner peace within ourselves? What social and psychological discoveries may we encounter in the process of personal and social change? Can we create a global network of shared peaceful communitarian experiences? In the evenings, he would wish to explore with TRANSCEND and GI friends possibilities for dialogue on multicultural living in communities and how we can appreciate other cultures as enriching our own.

The Clive & Curzon Bed&Breakfast Retreat gardens.

For further detailed information, please contact:

Dr. Vithal Rajan
Sun Acre, Ketti-Palada Road, Ketti, The Nilgiris 643215
Tamilnadu, India
Email: vithal.rajan@gmail.com – Tel: +91-9704540608


Vithal Rajan, Ph.D. [L.S.E.], worked as a mediator for the church in Belfast; as faculty at The School of Peace Studies, University of Bradford, and as Executive Director, the Right Livelihood Award Foundation. He has founded several Indian NGOs, is an Officer of the Order of Canada, and a member of the TRANSCEND Network for Peace Development Environment. vithal.rajan@gmail.com


This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 24 Sep 2018.

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