Powerful Statement from Haitian Women’s and Popular Organizations

Haiti Action Committee is honored to publish this press release issued by women’s and popular organizations in the Grandans department of Haiti. Their statement expresses solidarity with the neighborhoods of Bele, Solino and other working class areas where residents have been continually attacked by paramilitary death squads working with the Haitian police. Over the last few months, these death squads have assaulted over 20 urban and rural neighborhoods — burning homes, raping women, killing women, men and children, and displacing hundreds of families in what amounts to a military terror campaign against the population.

We hope that you will read this powerful statement and spread it far and wide — and that we can come together to strengthen our solidarity with the Haitian people in the face of this terror.

Press Release – English Translation

Jeremi, March 17, 2023

Press Release

We members of women’s and popular organizations in the Grandans department raise our voices in solidarity with all women and men who are the victims of kidnappings, rape, assassinations, home burnings and pillage that the G9 gang and all the other gangs are perpetrating against the population.

We strongly condemn the dictatorial and criminal government of Ariel Henry along with the United States, France, Canada and the Core Group that have imposed Henry on the Haitian people. They continue to support him with weapons and money despite all the crimes against humanity conducted by the government against the people.

Videos, photos and media reports by the victims and witnesses describe how the police, combined with gangs, committed atrocities against women, men and children. Nothing was said for the victims, the justice system is silent, and all the authorities- Haitian as well as the foreigners who are occupying the country – are silent.

As the people of Haiti continually attest, we women in the Grandans are clear that since the coup d’etat of February 29, 2004, this has been the plan to wipe out the Haitian people and our country. We call on all women’s organizations, popular organizations, students and all to stand against this system that generates the high cost of living, misery, corruption and rape that are destroying our lives. We call for the solidarity of people throughout the world so that democracy can again triumph in Haiti to uproot this blood-thirsty system.

For authentication:

Jeanette St. Juste, S-G

Original Kreyol version


Jeremi Jou ki 17 Mas 2023

Nòt Pou Laprès

Nou menm fanm ak òganizasyon popilè nan depatman Grandans leve vwa n an solidarite ak tout fanm ak gason ki viktim: kidnaping, kadejak, zak asasinay, boule kay, ak piyay gang G9 ak tout lot gang pe fè popilasyon an sibi.

Nou kondane avèk tout fòs nou gouvenman diktatè, kriminèl Ariel Henry an ansanm avèk Etazini, Lafrans, Kanada ak Kò Gwoup ki te enpoze Ariel sou pèp Ayisyen an, ki kontinye sipote l ak zam ak lajan malgre tout krim kont limanite ke gouvènman an pe fè kont popilasyon an.

Videyo, foto ak temwayay nan laprès ke viktim yo ak temwen bay montre ke lapolis melanje ak gang fè zak atròs sou fanm, gason ak timoun. Pa janm gen yon mo ki di pou viktim yo, lajistis bèbè, tout otorite ayisyen kou etranje ki okipe peyi a bèbè.

Tankou konsta pèp ayisyen an fè, nou menm fanm Grandans nou wè depi koudeta 29 fevriye 2004 la, sa a se yon plan pou detwi pèp ayisyen an avèk peyi a. Nou mande tout oganizasyon fanm, oganizasyon popilè, etidyan, elatriye pou leve kanpe kont sistem sa a ki pote lavichè, lamizè, koripsyon ak kadejak kap detwi lavi nou. Nou mande solidarite tout pèp sou latè pou n fè demokrasi triyonfe yon lòt fwa ankò lan peyi Dayiti pou dechouke sistèm sanginè sa a.

Pou otantifikasyon:

Jeanette St. Juste, S-G

Haiti Action Committee

PO Box 2040

Berkeley,CA 94702





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