Haiti Action Committee Statement

Haiti Action Committee strongly condemns the Joint Statement by nine members of the House of Representatives claiming “Violent Protests [That] Have Left Haiti at a Standstill.” Their assertion, “While the frustrations that have prompted the protests are justifiable, the violent acts being used to express them are indefensible” is as backwards a statement as President Trump equating those protesting white supremacy in Charlottesville with the racist demonstrators. It harkens back to the arguments used against the Civil Rights movement in this country, and the fight against apartheid in South Africa. Their statement explains nothing about why the overwhelming majority of Haitians are demanding the removal of a hated and corrupt president, imposed on Haiti by the United States and the United Nations, except that their “frustrations” are “justifiable.”

What violent acts?… Rocks wielded in self-defense by unarmed protestors facing the barrage of automatic gunfire from police and their civilian affiliates? Nowhere does this statement denounce the overwhelmingly disproportionate violence of the government against the Haitian mass movement – arbitrary arrests and police-affiliated death squad killings with impunity, such as in La Saline throughout November 2018, culminating on the 13th and 14th in a massacre of at least 71 people and probably many more. Massacres in Kafou Fey on April 24, 2019, in Village de Dieu on June 17, and on June 24 in downtown Port-au-Prince killing an estimated 30 people trying to find shelter from the police attacks. Women raped in front of their husbands and children. Murdered bodies disappeared, or cut up and fed to pigs. Demonstrators attacked with water cannon spewing a blue foam that burns the skin . . . The atrocities go on and on, completely ignored by these representatives concerned more with burning tires and broken windows.

We agree that, “one of the key pillars of a democratic society is the freedom to stand up and speak out,” but Haiti is not a democratic society. It is a society under military occupation since 2004, led by governments put into place in 4 fraudulent and corrupt presidential election cycles, where the majority Fanmi Lavalas Party was either not allowed to run candidates or was prevented from winning through massive fraud and voter suppression. If a Haitian “stands up and speaks out,” that person is likely to be shot dead in the street, or end up in a prison for years without trial, or have death squads show up at their door in the middle of the night. Haitians risk their lives every time they go into the streets to protest.
Yes, Haiti does need international support, but support to rid the country of thieving government and business officials, to force return of $4.2 billion in stolen Petrocaribe money (not to mention stolen earthquake donations), and to hold truly free and fair elections. We ask these representatives to reconsider their statement, condemn the violence of the state against those demonstrating, and support their just demands, starting with the removal of Jovenel Moise as president. The people of Haiti are struggling for freedom, justice, and equality; for dignity, sovereignty, and unity. They are working to build a country. Those who are steeped in corruption are the ones who are failing and destroying the state.
Haiti Action Committee

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