Earth’s Greatest Enemy – A New Film by Abby Martin [OFFICIAL TEASER]

Abby Martin’s second feature film is an anti-imperialist environmental documentary. Join her on the journey, and help make it possible, at
We urgently need donations to make this film a reality. If you want to make this hard-hitting environmental film that exposes the US war machine, make a tax-deductible donation via:
– PayPal
– Patreon
– Check: Made out to “Empire Files Inc.” to PO Box 42085, Los Angeles CA 90042
– Become an Executive Producer: Individuals or organizations who raise or contribute $10,000 or more will be listed as an Executive Producer on the film. Contact us if you are interested in this role.
Donors of $1,000 or more will have their name listed in the film credits. Empire Files is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit. All donations are tax-deductible.
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