“Oh freedom– what crimes have been committed in your name!”
Speech made by Bassolma Bazie, Foreign Minister of the Transitional Government of Burkina Faso, at the 78th General.
Speech made by Bassolma Bazie, Foreign Minister of the Transitional Government of Burkina Faso, at the 78th General.
Western foreign policy has destroyed the capacity of Libya and the Kingdom of Morocco to coordinate relief efforts.
In the wake of the July 26 coup in Niger, the world’s spotlight has once again turned to the.
Aside from the relatively positive developments in terms of economic cooperation through China-Africa relations, much of the continent is.
Source: Globetrotter On June 3, 2023, naval vessels from the United States and Canada conducted a joint military exercise in.
“I hate the US empire, and I love the US republic.” — Johan Galtung Circles evoke mutual acceptance, self-respect,.
On December 16th, 2022, Fanmi Lavalas – the people’s party of Haiti – released a statement commemorating the 32nd.
4 Jan 2023 – The hope that the U.S. will intervene anywhere in the world for humanitarian reasons is misguided in.
While we are inundated with reports of varying credibility about the war instigated by US/NATO against Russia being fought.
Haiti Action Committee is honored to circulate this statement from Fanmi Lavalas, the people’s party of Haiti. As threats.
Jan Oberg, Ph.D. | The Transnational – TRANSCEND Media Service 29 Sep 2022 – People from the Danish Defence Academy,.
Marilyn Langlois, Graeme MacQueen and Ted Walter – TRANSCEND Media Service 19 Sep 2022 – Last week marked the.
How do you react when hearing someone express an opinion that strikes you as ridiculous, outrageous, utterly unbelievable? If.
Featuring Diane Perlman and Marilyn Langlois 27 Apr 2022 – Transcend Method and Wise Power Special Presentation (beginning at.
Diane Perlman, Ph.D. Once again, much of the world is gripped by a compelling narrative portraying a simplistic, archetypal.
It is necessary to make a calm analysis of those responsible for the war between Ukraine and Russia.
February 24, 2022, the date of the start of the war in Ukraine, marks the world’s entry into a.
Freedom of speech has become something like the 11th commandment of the Bible and it is interpreted by everyone.
Townsend Oversaw Army Unit in Syria That Committed Myriad Atrocities and Helped Cover Up Crimes As head of AFRICOM, the.
While this is being written, tension builds up around the more comprehensive Ukraine conflict formation. If this blows up.
13 Jan 2022 – While France steps up neocolonial aggression in its former North and West African colonies, the U.S. has set.
22 Sep 2021 – The U.S. is once again attempting to overthrow a legitimate head of state in Africa, this.
Like frogs in water that keeps getting hotter and hotter, we are nearing the boiling point. A plague of.
Its immeasurable mineral resources has made the Congo the victim of a long history of Western greed, plunder, and.
The US leaves Afghanistan humiliated, but now faces bigger worries, from social polarisation to environmental collapse, says the novelist.