Johan Galtung on Peace Studies, Peace Communication, Peace Journalism: Transcending the Underlying Conflicts
This interview was one of Professor Johan Galtung’s last public appearances. It was conducted by the editors of a.
This interview was one of Professor Johan Galtung’s last public appearances. It was conducted by the editors of a.
Photo Courtesy of Siddharth Kara Siddarth Kara’s book exposes the exploitation behind the Fourth Industrial Revolution. 24 Jan 2024.
On 12 January 2024, the German Federal Govern- ment published the following press re- lease1: “On 7 October 2023,.
In some parts of the continental United States, you might drive through a nearly unchanging landscape for hours. Stretching.
Keynote, 13th Session World Public Forum “Dialogue of Civilizations” – Rhodes, Greece, 9 Oct 2015 The strength of this.
In 2024, 12 percent of “forcibly displaced and stateless people” are expected to be from the Middle East and.
12 Dec 2023 – The industrial agriculture paradigm, which sees the world as a machine, and not as a.
by Eliane Perret, psychologist and curative educator Living in peace is a deeply rooted desire of all people. .
Speech made by Bassolma Bazie, Foreign Minister of the Transitional Government of Burkina Faso, at the 78th General.
In the wake of the July 26 coup in Niger, the world’s spotlight has once again turned to the.
Women social activists recognize that gender equality is gaining ground in Chile, but maintain that there is still a.
A Rohingya woman tells a forum of peer counselors the story of her divorce. A survivor of domestic.
Source: Globetrotter On June 3, 2023, naval vessels from the United States and Canada conducted a joint military exercise in.
By Mordecai Ogada It has been an interesting few weeks in Kenya; the recent weekly anti-government protests were getting more.
The last ten days of Ramadan, Islam’s fasting month, are supposed to be a period of spiritual transcendence. By.
Tags: Anglo America, Black America, Civil Rights, MLK, Martin Luther King, USA, Vietnam War 1 Apr 2023 – April 4th is a day of remembrance – the day.
“I hate the US empire, and I love the US republic.” — Johan Galtung Circles evoke mutual acceptance, self-respect,.
On December 16th, 2022, Fanmi Lavalas – the people’s party of Haiti – released a statement commemorating the 32nd.
Lithuania, a new member of NATO on the Baltic Sea, doesn’t have the air force its regime claims it.
The US and EU are complicit in the continued Rwandan and Ugandan incursions into the Democratic Republic of Congo,.