Automated Murder: Israel’s ‘AI’ in Gaza by Patrick Lawrence and Cara Marianna*
“Technological change, while it helps hu- manity meet the challenges nature impos- es upon us, leads to a paradigm.
“Technological change, while it helps hu- manity meet the challenges nature impos- es upon us, leads to a paradigm.
The U.S. kept the U.N. Security Council from sending in troops to stop the 1994 Rwandan Genocide. 17 Apr.
Introduction 15 Mar 2024 – It is natural to have questions about how this paper on transitional justice fits.
Diane Perlman, Ph.D. Once again, much of the world is gripped by a compelling narrative portraying a simplistic, archetypal.
The week has been an interesting one full of global challenges, with escalating violence propagated by the military coup.
Jan 2020 – Climate change is one of the most pressing political, economic and environmental issues of our time. It.
At Irish Congress of Trade Union, Belfast I would like to thank Eamon McMahon and the Organizers of this.
Adam Shatz | Winter 2019 – I was a teenager when I first saw a picture of Frantz Fanon, on.
FacebookTwitterGoogle+LinkedInStumbleUponTumblrPinterestRedditVKontakteOdnoklassnikiPocketShare via EmailPrint Patrice Lumumba Why was Lumumba killed? Because he was a ‘relentless, dedicated, intelligent, passionate anti-colonialist, Pan-Africanist.
By Prof. George Kent November 2018 – There are many guidelines for dealing with specific nutrition problems (No Wasted.
Danny Haiphong The function of patriarchy is not only to oppress women to the benefit of men but also.
In Mali, jihadist groups have taken control of more than half the country since 2012. How has such a.
The international conference on saving the Lake Chad was held in Abuja, Nigeria on 25-28 February 2018. The theme.
This article by Ernest Wamba Dia Wamba originally appeared in Philosophy and Social Action XI (3) 1985, and has.
Culture is conceived as the main symbol of the human condition; it might be defined as a collective.
I will never forget my first trip to Haiti. In 1990, at five years old, I went to Haiti.
Like many people, I was surprised to hear of Edward Snowden’s decision to leave his job and move toward.
Native Converts to Christianity (Photo credit: SMU Central University Libraries) RELIGION, according to Emile Durkheim (1988) is "a united.
The damages and suffering accrued by the Haitian people over more than two centuries of intermittent occupation, foreign interference,.
Now countries from all over the world, from China, Nepal, and the Philippines, to countries in the Americas that.
A Statement from Haiti Action Committee On Friday, January 17, it was reported by news agencies that a Haitian.