
A message to young Congolese….

A message to young Congolese…. There may have been days when you felt that there was…

Four New Specialized Human Rights Online Courses

English: Logo for DCPEACE, initiative of UPEACE/US (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Dear Colleague, The Human Rights Centre…

Haïti : Evolution of a Coup by Nia Imara

The damages and suffering accrued by the Haitian people over more than two centuries of intermittent…

Haiti/Honduras Same System, Different Playersby Charlie Hinton*

Now countries from all over the world, from China, Nepal, and the Philippines, to countries in…

International Days in Solidarity with the Haitian People: February 23 – March 8, 2014

10 years since the 2004 Coup … 210 years since Haiti’s Revolution Haiti Action Committee sent…

Thank you, Haiti! Thank you, Cuba!

article & photos by Marilyn Langlois Left: Discussion group and street scene on the Paseo de…

Belles Lettres. A tous ceux qui sont nés d’une femme…

depuis belle lurette que les femmes se battent pour l’amélioration de leur condition humaine. Et, pas…

We Stand With Our Sister: Stop the Attacks on Myrlande Liberis-Pavert and the Lavalas Movement

A Statement from Haiti Action Committee On Friday, January 17, it was reported by news agencies…

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