Will the Circle be Unbroken? Reviving the Spirit of Bandung and Panchsheel
“I hate the US empire, and I love the US republic.” — Johan Galtung Circles evoke mutual acceptance, self-respect,.
“I hate the US empire, and I love the US republic.” — Johan Galtung Circles evoke mutual acceptance, self-respect,.
On December 16th, 2022, Fanmi Lavalas – the people’s party of Haiti – released a statement commemorating the 32nd.
Cuba is particularly vulnerable to climate change, being an island and a tropical country. Cycles of drought, hurricanes, and.
Lithuania, a new member of NATO on the Baltic Sea, doesn’t have the air force its regime claims it.
Wildlife is indeed far much more than a safari or an ‘exotic’ ornament: as many as four billion people.
Progressive commentators are increasingly absent from major media outlets, while every week conservative ones present us with page after.
Tags: Africa, Colonialism, Cultural violence, Direct violence, Ecocide, Gaza, Genocide, Israeli Apartheid, Israeli occupation, Middle East, Nakba, Netanyahu, Palestine, Palestine/Israel, Paul Kagame, Rwanda, Sociocide, State Terrorism, Structural violence, Violent conflict, West Bank, Zionism On February 18, at the annual.